Websites Advertising
Sending unsolicited newsgroups/web sites and e-mail addresses with unsolicited e-mails are considered to be SPAM and are prohibited within FS.
Use of SPAM to promote the Partner links to the website or traffic to a website will be grounds for immediate termination for cause without previous notice and the Partner shall forfeit any right to unpaid commission.
A domain name, website name and content must not be considered offensive.
Partner shall not include words and titles that could be considered offensive, demeaning or inflammatory. Offending partners accounts may be deleted without notice at FS sole discretion.
Partner may not include personal details on the pages of their website without prior agreement with FS.
The inclusion of and references to any illegal and/or immoral activities are strictly forbidden on the Partner websites at FS sole discretion.
FS reserves the right to disclose information regarding providers of such content to the relevant authorities.
All website graphics and templates, promotional materials that are provided to the Partner by FS shall remain the sole intellectual property of FS and as such, may not be used externally on any document without express written permission from FS.
​Partner agrees to fund and manage all marketing activities to promote your website or other websites on the FS platform.
Service Limitations
FS may establish limits concerning use of the Service at its discretion, including by way of example the frequency with which you may access the Service.
FS reserves the right to modify or discontinue the Service (or any part or feature thereof) at any time without notice. You agree that FS shall not be liable to you or to any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the Service.
In order to ensure that there is no abuse of the Service (either by manual use or using an automatic access), the Company may use its discretionary right to limit or restrict the access whenever it considers, at its sole discretion, that the Service is not used abusively. Also, the Company is free to conduct any investigation on this matter and determine the reasons for the improper use and take any decisions on this matter.
Please see the Platform for updates in all areas. Any conflicting information on the Platform takes precedent over this and all other policies.